ADHD, or attention-deficit hyperkinetic disorder, is a neurobiological disorder that often develops in childhood and can persist into adulthood. Symptoms of ADHD can range from inattention, hyperactivity, to impulsiveness. This is where the wonder molecule called CBD or cannabidiol pops up. CBD is a compound derived from the cannabis plant known for its numerous health benefits, including the potential to manage ADHD symptoms.
Deeper Understanding of ADHD
Attention-deficit hyperkinetic disorder (ADHD) is a neurological disorder that affects both children and adults. It is a complex disorder that can greatly affect an individual's quality of life. The most distinguishing feature of ADHD is the ongoing pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development.
The symptom of inattention manifests itself in various ways such as difficulty focusing on details, difficulty organizing tasks and activities, forgetfulness in daily life, and frequent loss of things. Hyperactivity and impulsivity are manifested by excessive movement, difficulty sitting still, making impulsive decisions and problems with self-control.
There are several treatments available for ADHD, including medication and behavioral therapy. Medication can help manage the symptoms of ADHD, but these medications can have side effects, such as trouble sleeping, decreased appetite, and mood changes. Behavioral therapy helps individuals learn better ways to manage their symptoms and deal with the challenges of living with ADHD.
While these treatments can help manage ADHD symptoms, they aren't always effective for everyone. In addition, the side effects of medications and the time and expense associated with behavioral therapy can be inconvenient for some people. That's why there's an ongoing search for alternative, natural treatments for ADHD, and CBD is one option that's gaining more and more attention.

Cannabidiol: The Promise of CBD
Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of many cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive component of cannabis, CBD has no intoxicating effects. In other words, it doesn't cause a "high." This makes CBD an attractive option for those seeking the potential health benefits of cannabinoids without the intoxicating effects of THC.
CBD has numerous potential therapeutic applications. Preclinical research suggests it may help treat a variety of conditions, such as chronic pain, anxiety, inflammation, depression and epilepsy. In addition, there is growing evidence that CBD may have beneficial effects on symptoms of ADHD.
The mechanism by which CBD exerts its therapeutic effects is complex and still under investigation. One thing we know is that CBD works by interacting with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in our body. The ECS is involved in regulating a wide variety of functions, including mood, sleep, appetite, memory, and maintaining overall homeostasis.
Preclinical research suggests that CBD can modulate ECS activity, which in turn can influence a variety of physiological processes. For example, a study published in the journal Pharmaceuticals suggests that CBD may have anti-inflammatory effects by decreasing the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and by modulating immune cell activity.
In terms of legality, CBD is legal in many parts of the world, including most of Europe, as long as THC levels remain below a certain limit. This makes it accessible to people interested in trying CBD for its potential benefits in treating ADHD. However, it is always important to check your local laws and regulations before deciding to use CBD.
The Science Behind CBD and ADHD: Research and Insights
Scientific research on CBD's potential to manage ADHD symptoms is emerging. Researchers have conducted several studies, and while it is still early days in terms of full understanding, some findings suggest that CBD may be helpful in managing certain symptoms of ADHD. In this section, we'll take a closer look at the existing studies and what they revealed.
CBD is known to interact with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in our body, which plays a critical role in regulating various bodily functions such as mood, sleep, pain, appetite, and memory. This unique interaction mechanism of CBD with ECS could contribute to its potential benefits in ADHD management.
A study published in the Journal of Cannabinoid Medicine, for example, showed that CBD can improve symptoms of ADHD in adults. In this small-scale study, participants reported significant improvements in hyperactivity/impulsivity, attention, and emotional disorders. However, the authors emphasized that this was a first study and more research is needed to confirm their findings.
In another pilot study from 2018, 30 adults with ADHD were randomly assigned to receive either health-related lifestyle advice plus placebo (an inactive substance) or health advice plus CBD oil. The results showed that those who received CBD oil experienced significant improvements in their ADHD symptoms compared to the placebo group. These findings suggest that CBD may be a potentially effective alternative to traditional ADHD treatments, although larger, controlled studies are still needed to confirm these results.
In addition, there is also a growing body of preclinical research suggesting that CBD may help modulate neural circuits involved in attention and impulsivity, two core aspects of ADHD. While this research is still in its early stages and much of it is being conducted on animal models, it offers some insight into how CBD could help manage ADHD symptoms.
Despite this, there is still a lot we don't know about exactly how CBD works in relation to ADHD. While current research results are promising, it is clear that more high-quality, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies are needed to strengthen our understanding of CBD's effectiveness in the treatment of ADHD.
CBD and ADHD: Patient Experiences and Anecdotal Evidence
In addition to the scientific research, there is a growing body of anecdotal evidence suggesting that people with ADHD may experience benefits from using CBD products. Several online forums and communities are filled with stories of people with ADHD sharing their experiences using CBD to manage their symptoms.
Some people with ADHD report that using CBD products gives them a calming effect. This can be particularly helpful for those who struggle with hyperactivity and impulsivity, two common symptoms of ADHD. By reducing these symptoms, CBD may be able to help increase the calmness and focus needed for daily tasks.
Others report that CBD helps them to concentrate better. One of the main symptoms of ADHD is problems with attention and concentration. By helping to alleviate these symptoms, CBD may help improve productivity and performance in both school and work environments.
In addition, some people report that CBD helps reduce the anxiety that often accompanies ADHD. Anxiety disorders are common in people with ADHD, and some anecdotal reports suggest that CBD may help manage these symptoms.
While these stories are inspiring, it's important to emphasize that everyone is different and what works for one person may not necessarily work for another. In addition, many of these reports are based on personal experience and not controlled clinical studies, so they should be interpreted with some caution.
In light of limited scientific knowledge and variability in individual responses, it is crucial for individuals interested in trying CBD for ADHD to do so under the guidance of a health care professional. A physician or other qualified health professional can help determine the correct dosage, identify possible interactions with other medications, and monitor for any side effects.
How To Use CBD For ADHD
There are several forms of CBD available, including CBD oil, capsules, and more. At Feelkiff we offer a range of flavorful CBD oils such as "Watermelon", "Berry Gelato" and "Bubble Gum". The dosage of CBD can vary depending on several factors, such as the person's body weight, the severity of the symptoms, and the specific CBD products being used. It is also important to note that CBD can have side effects, although they are generally mild.
Legal Considerations When Using CBD for ADHD
As mentioned earlier, CBD is legal in most parts of Europe, but there may still be some legal considerations when using it for ADHD. It is always advisable to seek the advice of a health professional or legal adviser before using CBD, especially if you are considering it for a child with ADHD.
Personal Stories and Case Studies
In the world of CBD and ADHD, many people have shared their personal experiences and stories about how CBD has helped them manage their symptoms. These personal anecdotes, while not a substitute for thorough scientific research, can provide valuable insight into CBD's potential as an ADHD management tool.
A common theme in these stories is the improvement of concentration. Many people with ADHD who have tried CBD report that it helps them focus better, which is one of the major challenges of this condition. For example, a case study published in the journal "Journal of Attention Disorders" describes the experience of a 28-year-old man with ADHD who reported that using CBD oil significantly improved his concentration.
In another case study , conducted by researchers at King's College London, CBD oil was used as an adjunctive treatment in an adult with ADHD and comorbid social phobia and bipolar disorder. The patient reported significant improvements in cognitive performance, hyperactivity and impulsivity.
However, it is important to note that these case studies, while promising, are limited in their scope and scale. They are individual experiences, and as with any treatment, different people's experiences may vary. This means that while some people may experience benefits from using CBD for their ADHD, others may not see any noticeable change. Therefore, it is essential that we continue to rely on rigorous scientific research to confirm these anecdotal claims.
The Future of CBD and ADHD Research
With increasing interest in the therapeutic uses of CBD, there are several ongoing studies looking at the potential of CBD as a treatment for ADHD. These studies are critical, as there are still a wealth of questions to be answered about how CBD works in the body, the optimal dosages for various conditions, the long-term effects of CBD use, and the possible side effects and interactions with other medicines.
For example, an ongoing study at the University of Colorado is examining the effect of CBD on children and adolescents with ADHD. This study, which is expected to be completed in 2023, may give us valuable insights into how CBD can be used to manage ADHD symptoms in younger populations.
In addition, there are also opportunities for future research to look at using CBD in conjunction with other ADHD treatment strategies, such as cognitive behavioral therapy and drug treatment. Understanding how CBD interacts with these other treatment options can help us make more informed decisions about how to integrate CBD into comprehensive ADHD treatment plans.
It is essential that we continue to invest in this kind of research to ensure the best possible outcomes for people with ADHD. Researchers, clinicians, policy makers and patients must work together to ensure that the potential of CBD for ADHD is fully realized, and that any risks are minimized.
In summary, CBD has potential in managing ADHD symptoms, but there's still a lot we don't know. Personal accounts and anecdotal evidence suggest that CBD may help manage symptoms such as hyperactivity and impulsivity, but more scientific research is needed to confirm these claims.
It is also vital that people considering using CBD for ADHD are aware of the legal considerations surrounding the use of CBD. In some countries and states, the use of CBD is strictly regulated, and in others it is completely legal. People should be aware of the laws in their country or state before using CBD.
In addition, it is important that people who want to try CBD for ADHD talk to a health professional before starting. A qualified health professional can help navigate the complex world of CBD, including determining the right dosage, identifying potential interactions with other medications, and monitoring side effects. It is critical that CBD use is approached with a high degree of diligence and careful medical supervision.
Despite the current uncertainties, it is clear that CBD is an interesting option for people with ADHD. If we continue to invest in research and deepen our understanding of this unique connection, we may be able to find new and more effective ways to manage ADHD. We look forward to the results of ongoing and future research in this exciting field.
Frequently Asked Questions about CBD and ADHD
1. What exactly is ADHD?
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurological disorder that often begins in childhood and can persist into adulthood. Symptoms vary, but can include difficulty concentrating, impulsiveness, and overactivity.
2. What is CBD?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural compound found in the cannabis plant. It is one of several cannabinoids in the plant and is known for its potential therapeutic benefits. CBD is non-psychoactive, meaning it does not cause a "high" or euphoric feeling like THC, another well-known cannabinoid.
3. Can CBD Help Manage ADHD Symptoms?
While research is still in its infancy, some scientific studies and anecdotal evidence suggest that CBD may be helpful in managing certain symptoms of ADHD, such as hyperactivity and impulsiveness. However, more large-scale, controlled studies are needed to confirm these findings.
4. Are there any side effects of using CBD for ADHD?
As with any supplement or drug, there can be side effects when taking CBD. These can range from mild to severe and may include fatigue, dry mouth, diarrhea, decreased appetite, and interactions with other medications. It is important to talk to a health professional before taking CBD, especially if you are taking other medications.
5. Is it legal to use CBD for ADHD?
The legality of CBD varies by country and sometimes by state or province. In many parts of the world, including most of Europe, it is legal as long as THC levels are below a certain limit. It is important to know the laws in your specific location before using CBD.
6. How should I start taking CBD for ADHD?
It is advisable to consult with a health professional before starting to use CBD for ADHD. They can help you choose the right product, determine a suitable dosage and monitor any side effects.
7. Are there other treatment options for ADHD besides CBD?
Yes, there are several other treatments available for ADHD, including medication, behavioral therapy, and a combination of the two. What works best can vary from person to person, and it is important to choose a treatment that suits your specific needs and circumstances. It is always important to consult with a health professional when choosing treatment for ADHD.